Endless meetings, tighter deadlines and longer hours are having a significant impact on Australians. Many people are now spending more time at work and struggle to balance their work and personal lives.

For many, stress can be difficult to avoid, but there are positive steps that can be taken to help win the work/life battle and minimise stress by dedicating time to activities we enjoy, learning something new, or taking up a new hobby.Sailing-yacht-boat

With the majority of Australians residing along our beautiful coastline, it’s time to get off the highway and out onto the water to try boating!

Boating is an activity which can be taken up regardless of experience, age or gender and is a great way to relax, rejuvenate and blow those cobwebs away.

Here’s a list of just a few of the ways boating can benefit you and help you win back your work/life balance:

1/ Boating is great exercise. Exercise releases endorphins and is one of best ways to help manage stress. Whether you’re manning the sails, swimming, fishing, scuba diving, or exploring new beachfronts – there’s something for every age and every fitness level.

2/ Sailing is a great way to bond with family and friends. One of the best ways to maintain a proper work/life balance is by making sure you spend quality time with friends and family. Switch-off the TV and start reconnecting with those who are most important to you by enjoying a day or weekend on the water together.

3/ Boating is affordable. One of the biggest misconceptions about boating is that it’s expensive. What most people don’t know is that you can hire a boat for less than what it costs to take a family of four to the movies for the afternoon! Otherwise, if you’re looking to make a purchase, there are financing options available.

4/ Boating is relaxing. There’s something incredibly freeing about cruising on the open water – breathing in the fresh air, feeling the wind in your hair and the ocean beneath. Leave all your worries back on the shore and escape for the day.

5/ Boating is convenient. Another common misconception about boating is that it’s not easily accessible. Even if you don’t live near the ocean, Australia has many waterways to explore – from bays to rivers to lakes. Call your local council or do a quick Google search on water access points in your area.

6/ Boating gets you back in touch with nature. Jump into a sailboat and use nature’s power to travel. What better way to reconnect than spending time outside in the natural environment! Quality time away from noisy buses and trains and high-rise buildings is a perfect way to unwind.

7/ Boating is a rewarding activity. Whether you’re practicing the perfect cast, learning how to tack in a sailboat, or are exploring the amazing marine life with a snorkel and fins, boating provides a platform for a variety of activities and interests.

8/ Boating is a great alternative. If you’re tired of the same old weekend activities, try something new! Perhaps you’ve never been offshore fishing or you want to try your hand at water skiing – there is something for everyone.

9/ Boating is easy to learn. There are boating and water safety courses everywhere these days. There are classes for sailing, fishing, scuba diving, snorkeling and even water-skiing. No matter what you’re interested in, there’s a wide array of information available to interested boaters.

10/ Best of all, boating is FUN – all you need to do is remember to stick to the simple safety guidelines and enjoy yourself!

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